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2023-06-14 08:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

We all started out the same way. We all, at some point, picked up a guitar, or a set of drumsticks, a microphone, a friggin' juice harp... and we made a little bit of noise. From that point on, we wanted it all. We wanted to be Bob Dylan, or the Rolling Stones, or Pearl Jam, or Garth Brooks. Hell, I still want to be Garth Brooks sometimes.聽

But for a variety of reasons, somewhere along the way, we took a different path. We didn't abandon music, but we recognized that the bulk of our time was going to be spent doing something else. We're accountants, carpenters, bankers, truck drivers, journalists, janitors, marketers, moms, dads, 聽and a thousand other things. But underneath it all, our hearts still beat to the tune we heard that first inspired us to seek the spotlight.聽

Part-Time Pickers is for you. The dad who works his fingers to the bone and loves his kids, but still gets his fix a couple of times per month in a honky-tonk band. The wife who sells insurance to pay the bills, but also plays bass in a jazz trio every Saturday night. The man or woman who lives for music, but makes their living doing something else.聽

The internet is full of resources for people trying to make a full-time living in music. Part-time pickers is tailored to help the rest of us. Every article and video here, is for you- the part-time musicians with full-time passion. 聽






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